
Cantenna calculator
Cantenna calculator

The can that worked best for me was 3.25 inches in diameter. The other side has a small brass stub for attaching the small piece of wire with solder. One side is N-female for connecting the cable from your wireless equipment. We will mount this to the our recycled directional dish. Most came so that they mount by way of four small screw or nuts and bolts some had other mounting brackets. Hams and electronics hobbyists may have one hiding in the junk box. The N type female chassis mount connector is typically used in radio applications. Several small nuts and bolts or other mounting hardware for mounting the connector. 1 - Copper 12 gauge wire about 2 inches long.ģ. 1 - N-Type Female chassis mount connector.Ģ. Call it scavenging or preparation it should not take long. In order to do this, you will need to gather a group of materials needed. We assume no responsibility or liability. While this has worked very well for me, there is a certain amount of risk to equipment any time you experiment. Total time should be under an hour and total cost under $10.00, even if you don't have an electronics junk box at home. Whatever you call it, it is an interesting project that takes very little time and very little money. We like to call it a recycled waveguide antenna.

cantenna calculator

This idea is not new and has many names such as shell cell, cantenna, bazooka antenna, canned antenna and tin can annie. Here is a do it yourself (DIY) project that is an inexpensive way to increase the range of your wireless network or cordless phone. Wireless Networks And Other 2.4GHz Applications Low Cost Home Brew Waveguide Antenna For 802.11b

cantenna calculator

Enter the diameter of the can and click on Calculate. Detailed experimentation guidelines are below the calculator. This calculator is designed to give experimentation data for construction and use of a wireless range extending antenna. This calculator requires the use of Javascript enabled and capable browsers. Wireless 2.4 GHz Directional Antenna Calculator

Cantenna calculator